Message by Director

Director's Message

Shri Marbom Bam
Arunachal Pradesh Energy Development Agency

Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh
Ph +91 -360-2211160
Fax +91 -360-2217870


In the pursuit for comfort and better life,human beings have been exploiting the nature in innumerable ways. Extraction of energy from fossil fuels better known as the conventional sources of energy like petrol,diesel, coal, natural gas etc for different purposes is one of the most prominent ways of exploiting the nature. But, these fossil fuels are not going to last long. They are getting exhausted every day at an alarming rate and may not last beyond this century

Thermal Power stations using coal and natural gas to generate electricity are major contributors to emission of Carbon Dioxide into the atmosphere which causes Global Warming and Climate Change. In order to contain excessive emission of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and to meet the ever increasing demand for energy for our sustainability, we need to explore and develop alternative sources of energy which are non-polluting, nonexhausting and renewable in nature. The known sources of renewable energy are solar, wind, biomass, ocean tides and waves, geothermal etc. The another way of containing Global Warming and to maintain sustainability of energy supply is to adopt Energy Efficiency and Conservation measures in our day to day life.

The Govt. of India, having understood the grave situation that is going to be there due to depletion of conventional sources of energy, has set up the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) to explore and develop other new and alternative renewable sources of energy in the country. In order to advocate Energy Efficiency and Conservation measures in the country, the Govt. of India has enacted Energy Conservation Act, 2001 and the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) has been set up under the Ministry of Power (MoP) to oversee implementation of provisions of the Act.

For implementation of policies and programmes of new and renewable sources of energy in the states, State Nodal Agencies (SNAs) have been formed and for implementation of provisions of Energy Conservation Act,2001, State Designated Agencies (SDAs) have been formed. APEDA (Arunachal Pradesh Energy Development Agency) has been designated to function as SNA and SDA for the state of Arunachal Pradesh.

Let us be carried away by the philosophy of this Latin American Proverb, “WE DO NOT INHERIT THIS EARTH FROM OUR ANCESTORS, BUT WE BORROW IT FROM OUR CHILDREN”. So, let us save this beautiful mother earth from destruction for the future generations to come by adopting green ways of living – (through energy conservation and efficiency, using renewable energy,planting more trees and avoiding greed).

(Er. Marbom Bam)
Director, APEDA