BioGas Programme
Biogas Based Power Generation Programme (BPGP)
Biogas based power units can be a reliable decentralized power generation option in the country. In order to promote this route of power generation, specifically in the small capacity range (3 kW to 250 kW), based on the availability of large quantity of animal wastes and wastes from forestry, rural based industries (agro/food processing), kitchen wastes, etc; a number of projects of different capacities and applications will be taken up for refining the technical know-how, developing manpower and necessary infrastructure, establishing a proper arrangement of operation & maintenance and large scale dissemination.
Energy Recovery from Municipal Solid Waste
Programme on Energy Recovery from Municipal Solid Waste during the year 2012-13. The scheme provides financial assistance for setting up of five Pilot projects for power generation from MSW to be undertaken in accordance with the decision of Hon’ble Supreme Court given during a hearing held on May 15, 2007, and recommendations of the Expert Committee; administrative charges to State Nodal Agencies and Grants-in-aid for Research, Development and Demonstration, organizing seminars, workshops, training courses, etc. on the subject of energy from MSW. The details of the programme component, implementation methodology, financial assistance, release of funds and monitoring mechanism are given in the Appendix